
reaching for the sky

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

perompak, pencuri, penyangak-self satisfaction or depression?

            i begin my entry today with a quiz. listen read carefully;
 a girl just lost her dad. at the funeral, she met a gorgeous young man which she believe her soulmate, match make in the heaven. however she does not have opportunity to know him. the next day, she kill her mother. what do you think the reason she kill her mother? prepare an answer, ok?
            baru2 ni, kg sy diGEGARKAN dgn datangnye pengunjung2 mlm yg x diundang. bkn santa claus n the rusa ye, tapi PEROMPAK2 DURJANA. their mo (modus operandi) are same for all the victim, so we believe they are same people. their MO:

  1.   find a house without window grilles
  2. break the window n enter the house
  3. find knife from the kitchen
  4. wake up the owner n tied them up
  5. go back to kitchen n EAT
  6. look up n down through out the house to find valuable stuff
  7. leave after 2 hours

                     bila disiasat, it turn out that dorang ni org seberang. n dorg wat sume ni sbab majikan dorang penipu. da abis satu projek kerja, majikan pergi camtu je, tinggalkan pekerja2 tanpa bayaran, obviously dorang terpaksa coz klau dorng nk cari kerja lain pun ssah dgn permit yg errr.. palsu kot. jadi, sape yg salah skang? majikan atau perompak? atau kita yg x pasang gril tingkap..huhuhu cam bengong~ conclusionnye, kebanyakan perompak tu terdesak, sbb tu dorang brani nk merompak. berapa kerat je yg wat sebab suka2, xpun mmg jenis psychopath, coz mmg fitrah manusia suka buat baik, tp disebabkan susahnye hidup ni dorang terlupa fitrah tu.
           back to the quiz kat atas tu, da jumpe jwapan?
ok, jawapan die, that girl do that so she can have another funeral, n she can met that guy again. betul ke jawapan korang? actually soalan ni tuk test sama ade korang ade mind seorang psycopath atau x. klau betul jwapan korang, kemungkinan besar korang seorng psycopath. beware!! muahahaha.. minx maaf n wallahualam...


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